Adlerian Play Therapy
Understand Play Therapy • Learn The Skills • Change Lives
*Please note that attending the courses does not mean that you are automatically enrolled in the certification program. Individuals are welcome to attend all our trainings without the commitment of following through with the certification program (which involves assignments and supervision hours). Application to the certification program is also a separate process.
To become a Certified Adlerian Play Therapist (after you become a Registered Play Therapist through the Association for Play Therapy (Singapore)), you must…
Successfully complete:
Introduction to Play Therapy (be Healing Hearts Centre)
AdPT 0 to 4
Conduct at least 50 sessions of Adlerian play therapy, making sure to proceed through the entire process: building the relationship, exploring the client’s lifestyle, helping the client gain insight into his/her lifestyle, and reorienting/reeducating the client. These sessions should be done with at least 3 different clients. You will be responsible for keeping track of these hours, using the client’s initials, session number, phase, and date.
Complete at least 10 hours of consultation with a Certified Adlerian Play Therapy Consultant–
In 7 of these sessions, you will provide a video recording of a session demonstrating Adlerian play therapy, with–
one session focusing on a recording that illustrates Phase 1,
one session focusing on a recording that illustrates Phase 2,
two tapes for Phase 3 and Phase 4 of Adlerian play therapy,
and one tape of parent or teacher consultation.
In the other 3 consultation sessions, you will work on perfecting conceptualization and treatment planning for clients from an Adlerian perspective.
At the end of this series of consultation sessions, the consultant, using the rubric of the Adlerian play therapy checklist from the Adlerian Play Therapy Treatment Manual, can recommend that you proceed to the final step in becoming a certified Adlerian play therapist—the certification evaluation. At this time, if the consultant believes you are not quite ready to take the certification evaluation, the consultant can also suggest that more consultation sessions are necessary. The purpose of additional consultation sessions would be to ensure that you have fully mastered the Adlerian play therapy and parent/teacher consultation skills and strategies and can demonstrate expertise in using Adlerian play therapy conceptualizing and treatment planning tools.
Submit a certification evaluation portfolio. This portfolio will include:
A letter of support from the Certified Adlerian Play Therapy Consultant/Evaluator who conducted the consultation sessions with the candidate. This letter should address your strengths and struggles and contain suggestions for future areas of growth in Adlerian play therapy.
A 25-30-minute video recording of a play therapy session from Phase 3 or Phase 4 that demonstrates mastery of the hallmark Adlerian play therapy skills of:
a variety of directive and non-directive play techniques for helping the child gain insight into his or her lifestyle, and/or reorienting/reeducating the child (e.g., art techniques, metaphor design and storytelling, movement strategies, adventure techniques, sand tray activities).
This tape will be evaluated using the checklist from the Adlerian Play Therapy Treatment Manual to ensure that you are demonstrating treatment fidelity to the Adlerian play therapy model.
A written case report that describes the client from the video recording. This case report must include:
the session number,
the phase of therapy (needs to be either Phase 3 or 4),
a description of the presenting problem, and
a narrative write-up of your Adlerian play therapy lifestyle conceptualization and Adlerian play therapy treatment plan. (A template with the required elements and an example narrative will be available from your consultant.)
Certificate Recognition
This Certificate is awarded by Healing Hearts Centre.
Certificate training hours are recognised by LEAPT Inc.
Certificate training, practicum and supervision hours are recognised by the Association for Play Therapy (Singapore) for the individual who is working towards their Registered Play Therapist qualifications with APTS.
Certificate Curriculum
AdPT 1 – Beginning Adlerian Play Therapy
AdPT 2 – Parent Consultation in Adlerian Play Therapy
AdPT 3 – Advanced Adlerian Play Therapy
AdPT 4 – Conceptualising and Treatment Planning in Adlerian Play Therapy
NOTE: All modules must be taken in progressive order.
Additional assignments and supervision hours are required for each training module of the certification program.
Training Venue
The training venue will be on-site at Healing Hearts Centre where we have a purpose built, fully equipped and resourced training centre.
Participants will complete their practicum hours in their own place of employment, unless other arrangements have been made and approved by Healing Hearts Centre.
*NOTE: Fees do not include supervision and evaluation fees.
Supervision Details
Certificate Program Supervision fees:
Individual - USD$125/pax/hour session
Certificate Administrative Fee
Certificate Evaluation Fee
Safety Provision
It will be necessary for participants to be covered by Professional Indemnity Insurance prior to undertaking direct work with children, adolescents and their families. This can be covered under the participant’s place of employment or enquired at Healing Hearts Centre. All participants undertaking direct client work must also act in accordance with the Association for Play Therapy (Singapore) Code of Conduct and Best Practices.
Membership Application for Association for Play Therapy (Singapore) - APTS
The training hours for all modules contribute toward the training hours required for registering to be an APTS professional play therapy member. Please refer to the APTS website for more information and enquiries.
Maintaining Certification as a Certified Adlerian Play Therapist
1) Renewals are every 2 years – renewal fee required
2) Attend at least 8 hours of Adlerian play therapy special topics training
3) Have at least 2 consultation sessions with an approved Consultant (1 session requires presenting a Phase 3 or Phase 4 video recording and attaining at least 85% on the skills checklist)
4) 50 sessions of Adlerian play therapy with clients
5) Maintain status as Registered Play Therapist
Certificate Program Registration
Only available for registration upon completion of AdPT 2 - Parent Consultation in Adlerian Play Therapy.